Sharon Gardens is IGL's campus in Salem, India. Like I wrote in a post below, the campus has everything on it. President's home, rooms for guests, amphitheater, hospital, orphanage, sewing school, elementary and high schools, medical college and machine shop. There is even more that I am forgetting about. It is a huge compound. Gated with guards at all hours. It is a very safe place to be.
The environment in southern India is very rough, but this compound is an oasis among it. It is lush and green. The owners have done a marvelous job making it into a beautiful place. We stayed there for three nights when we first arrived. Last year's team stayed there for their entire trip. They went out from Sharon Gardens to each of their conferences. We traveled more, so we stayed in hotels for most of the trip.
Sharon Gardens has been in its location for many many years. Just recently land was purchased near by for a new Hindu temple to be built. In the past this has been a quiet peaceful property, however that is changing. The Hindu temple is now playing Hindu chants at all hours through massive speakers. It is certainly an crafty attack by Satan. Please pray that the Lord protects these precious children from the indoctrinating lies being blared.
Here are some pictures of Sharon Gardens.

Can you read the verse on the back wall? "Where there is no vision, the people perish." This is the scripture verse that IGL's founder gave the current president as he handed down all of IGL to him. It speaks so clearly to the holistic vision of IGL's mission. They first go in with the Gospel - they reach the people for Jesus Christ. Then they provide opportunities for the people to grow in a trade. They teach them skills to make a better life for themselves. God has given IGL this vision and they certainly are carrying it out. God is great.

The entrance to the compound.
Children waiting for school to begin.
Monkeys are everywhere. They are like squirrels here. They are everywhere.
Elementary School
Hospital with Pastor Benni. Pastor Benni took us everywhere in India. He is the most wonderful man. So kind and funny. He really put up with us curious and loud (and obnoxious at times) American women.
Inside the hospital. This is a hallway looking out at the inside courtyard.
Cool blue hallways inside the hospital.
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