Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Team

God certainly knew what He was doing as He formed our team this year. Darlene Sorrells (on right) was our team leader. She had been on this trip twice before leading it this year. Kathy Klopp (on left) was a fellow teammate. She has been on this trip once before. She and I roomed together. Then there is me-the newbee. Kathy said they purposefully never let a newbee room on their own. I was so thankful for that. Darlene did a marvelous job leading us-she is a courageous and humble woman who I was privileged to learn from. She never faltered, even on no sleep. Kathy was right there next to me (24 hours a day-we were roommates) to constantly encourage and support me. She, also, taught me so much.

In the past there have been more than three woman traveling on this trip, so when God put only the three of us together it was different than what was expected. Now that the trip has come and gone, we see God's provision in every detail-including the formation of our team. I love these women. I don't think I can express how grateful I am for each of them.

Oh, and you would be surprised and how hard they can make you laugh!!!


Tim Chapman said...


Looks like you had a great time! Love it!

Becca said...

Wonderful photo of your team!